Genesis 24:67
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וַיְבִאֶ֣הָ יִצְחָ֗ק הָאֹ֙הֱלָה֙ שָׂרָ֣ה אִמּ֔וֹ וַיִּקַּ֧ח אֶת־רִבְקָ֛ה וַתְּהִי־ל֥וֹ לְאִשָּׁ֖ה וַיֶּאֱהָבֶ֑הָ וַיִּנָּחֵ֥ם יִצְחָ֖ק אַחֲרֵ֥י אִמּֽוֹ׃
And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her. And Isaac was comforted for his mother.
Tree Probability: 0.285
Avg Tree Probability: 0.85

Isomorphic Trees (with leaves) -- 1
Genesis 24:67
Isomorphic Trees (internal nodes) -- 46
Genesis 7:16
Genesis 14:10
Genesis 24:20
Genesis 24:67
Genesis 30:41
Genesis 34:5
Genesis 39:7
Genesis 40:1
Exodus 22:10
Exodus 29:26
Exodus 29:46
Exodus 30:14
Leviticus 9:21
Leviticus 16:5
Leviticus 24:14
Numbers 4:6
Numbers 17:14
Deuteronomy 16:18
Joshua 15:4
Joshua 24:29
Isaiah 1:15
Jeremiah 23:25
Jeremiah 42:8
Ezekiel 5:9
Ezekiel 11:11
Ezekiel 12:27
Ezekiel 18:31
Ezekiel 29:8
Ezekiel 29:21
Joel 1:18
Joel 2:27
Ezra 4:8
Nehemiah 4:5
Nehemiah 6:9
Nehemiah 6:11
I Samuel 14:39
I Samuel 18:10
I Samuel 25:30
I Samuel 26:2
II Samuel 3:34
II Samuel 9:13
II Samuel 13:12
I Chronicles 2:49
I Chronicles 15:15
I Chronicles 21:20
II Chronicles 19:6